People Who Know How To Find The Good In Everything

Don’t worry, be happy.

That’s all it takes. Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything. Make an effort to not be negative and to have at least one positive thought. You should always look on the bright side, no matter what the circumstance is. When your favorite shirt gets shrunk in the wash, don’t just throw it out! There’s surely someone special in your household that could use it. It’s things like that where people find the good in something in their lives.

There Are Good People Out There!

There Are Good People In The World.jpg

While this isn’t the first time I’ve cried over a bowl of noodles, it’s definitely the most touching. This is an incredible act of generosity put on during the holidays, and if you don’t have a tear in your eye right now, please go back and reread this. Most places should do things like this for their workers.