People Who Just Want Us All To Be Super Uncomfortable

Being comfortable all the time isn’t good for anyone. It means you’re not growing as a person and your so-called “comfort zone” is staying stagnant. It’s good to feel uncomfortable every once in a while because that’s when you’re learning.

With that being said, being uncomfortable is also when you’re the most vulnerable. Sometimes, it’s someone’s actions that make you uncomfortable. Other times, it’s what people say or it could just be a situation in general. In this case, it’s none of the above. This article is a compilation of pictures that will turn your stomach and, honestly, it’s everything you should want.

There’s A Time And Place, Guys

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With smartphones following us everywhere we go, there are many opportunities to get photo-ops. Maybe you see a cool wall you can stand awkwardly in front of and grab a photo, or even take a selfie in the public park. One place you probably shouldn’t be taking a picture is in the back of a cop car, but to each his own I guess.