People Who, Just Like Me And You, Are Trying To Put One Foot In Front Of The Other And Failing Miserably

We’re all just trying to get through the day without drastically ruining our lives in some form. Whether it’s blurting out profanities at your boss and getting fired, or tripping over a curb and breaking your wrist. When your life is on autopilot and your only goal for the day was to ensure that you can crawl back into bed with all your limbs intact, life can be fairly simple.

Unfortunately for some, but fortunately for us, this simplicity still doesn’t stop many people from taking an L. For a few of us, putting one foot in front of the other is a difficult task that takes way too much effort. This article highlights these people who give us endless amounts of entertainment by just barely keeping their head above water in the pool of life.

Laundry Is An Underrated Skill

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There’s a reason that laundry shouldn’t be done by children. It’s dangerous. Not only in the sense that if all goes wrong you could light your machine on fire but, more importantly, it could ruin your entire wardrobe in one wash.

You know that t-shirt that fits perfectly? Yeah, wash it at the wrong setting and it’ll turn into a belly shirt immediately.