People Who Had A Good Idea And Won’t Let The Negativity Hold Them Back

There’s always a good idea out there if you look hard enough.

Some ideas are a stroke of genius while others aren’t so great. We’ll focus on the ones that won’t make Einstein proud. People who come up with so-called ‘good’ ideas tend to carry a ton of confidence. That confidence usually leads to them being a little too optimistic about the outcome. It can be something as long as a 2×4 that’s probably not going to fit into your clown car. Despite the outcome, these people will be proud of putting in the effort.

I Am Iron Man

I Am Iron Man.jpg

The simplest thing would be to get a new phone under your provider’s warranty. Despite the crack on the screen, this does make for one fitting background. People would assume that Iron Man’s pounding fist is apart of the crack, but it’s not at all.