People Who Are Willing To Do Anything For A Little Attention

Look, there’s no doubt that everyone has a little bit of an attention seeker hidden inside of them. Whether it’s getting that extra present from grandma because you’re her favorite, or when your mom gives you a longer hug than your sibling, a little bit of attention can go a long way.

Attention seeking becomes toxic when you start to crave it. It’s the people who wear a Gucci dress to a pajama party or cry because the grocery store is busy on a Tuesday night. Thankfully, these types of attention seekers are few and far between, and also incredibly funny to observe from a distance. So here you go.

It Has A Different Name

About to take a nap.jpg

Miranda, there’s a name for that you know. It’s called a nap and a lot of people take them without having to tell everyone. In fact, spontaneous naps are better because it’s like a surprise party for your body that it gets to sleep. People who overshare on social media are the people who crave attention.