People Trying To Blend In Like They’re A Make-Up Tutorial

While it’s amazing to think that you’re going to be unique and different, the reality is most of us just want to be the same. We love the idea of being in a group or a tribe because it makes us feel comfortable.

It’s important to be independent but that can be very lonely. We always saw the popular kids in high school walking around in big groups and that’s all we wanted. How do we blend in with them? This article explores the art of trying to blend in, and these people do a pretty damn good job at it.

Duck, Duck, PUG

Dog With Ducs.jpg

Hunting is very hard. For anyone who has trekked out for a day and tried to hunt turkey, deer, or ducks, you know that it goes from mind-numbingly boring to insanely intense within seconds. Not everyone can get kills. The pictures of your prizes are important though, and unfortunately for the kid on the left, they were the odd one out. Or so they thought.