People Racking Their Brains And Asking “Why Me?”

No person’s life is perfect or without its ups and downs. Yes, some have a smoother road offered to them, but even they have moments of unexpected turmoil. Life throws curveballs of many different projections that can sometimes pile up on our psyche and cause some serious self-doubt.

Some of us get so unlucky that it seems the universe has a vendetta against us personally. Many people can drop their phones a million times without it cracking, while a select few of us break it on the first drop. Heck, it could be dropped into a pit of fluff and still break, causing the “WHY ME?” scream to the clouds. If this is you, don’t fret because this article will show that you’re not alone. Here are your new best friends.

Hold On, This Is Going To Be A Crappy Ride

Right To The Porta Potty.jpg

There are probably a few people in this photo who are about to have a crappy day. If anyone’s trapped in the portapotty, then they’ll definitely be taking the cake. However, there’s a very good chance that this hot air balloon enthusiast is going to get some splashback from these potties, and that smell doesn’t just wash off.