People On A Lonely Island Just Looking For A Laugh

Look, some people are lonely. There are many different reasons that could result in someone being alone a lot of the time. Sometimes it’s by choice — not everyone has a personality that makes them long for the company of others. Sometimes it’s their personality in general — if you’re a mean person then you’ll probably be short a few friends.

This article explores people who are clearly lonely but own the heck out of it. These are the people who make the most of every situation even if every situation ends up with them having to fend for themselves.

The Best Kind Of Relationship

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Why are people out here getting excited about diamond rings when there are much cheaper and more practical options? The key to a woman’s heart is food and there’s no denying that. Diamonds are boring and you can’t do anything with them but look at them. Boo. Get a ring that she can actually do something with.