People Are Revealing The Small Little Things That Drive Them Insane, And I’m Physically Shaking RN

What really grinds your gears?

Come on, there has to be something that annoys you. Slow drivers? People, who lack common sense? Millenials? Say no more, because people are finally venting all their frustrations. There are some really good stories that will be in here, and they are so relatable it’s not even funny. Surprisingly enough, people are annoyed by things like teasers in the news or rattling sounds in their cars. Whatever it is that sets them off, you’ve probably experienced at least half of these in your lifetime.

Those Damn Sleeves

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If you’re wearing a sweater or a long shirt, this happens ALL the time. I guess that’s why people wear rubber gloves. It doesn’t just keep the soapy water off their hands, but it also prevents the sleeve from falling down. We might just have to start tying our sleeves into knots.