Parents Who Have No Shame In Showing Off Their Favorites

No matter what parents say, they have a favorite. Just because they’re a product of you doesn’t mean that a certain personality doesn’t mesh better with yours. If you’re a sports dad and have one kid who loves sports and one that doesn’t, you’re probably going to like the one that has similar hobbies as you.

With that being said, it’s important to most parents to not show the bias. Every kid needs to be treated equally, or at least feel like they’re being treated equally. The parents on this list missed that memo obviously.

Um, Grandpa?

Oh Grandpa.jpg

Maybe this is an innocent, “look what I indirectly created!” type of grab. Look, old people can be really creepy. It’s like they have the sexual mind of a 20-year-old, but the sexual functionality of a dead body. These two things just don’t work well no matter how you look at it.