Ouch: The Worst Injuries In Professional Wrestling

Bruiser Brody Locker Room Murder


Bruiser Brody was a hulking figure at 6’8” and popularized the “brawling” style in wrestling that is still popular today. He was even the first opponent of the now iconic “The Undertaker”. In 1988, Brody was performing at a match in Puerto Rico. While in the locker room before the match José Huertas González, a fellow wrestler, summoned Brody to the locker room with the premise of discussing business. After he entered the shower stall, the entire locker room heard two horrifying screams and noises of a scuffle. Wrestler Tony Atlas quickly entered the scene and found Brody bent over and grasping his stomach. He also witnessed Gonzalez holding a knife. It took paramedics over an hour to reach the stadium as there was a massive crowd outside. The paramedics couldn’t lift his massive body, so Tony Atlas helped carry him downstairs. He later succumbed to his injuries.