Ouch: The Worst Injuries In Professional Wrestling

Steroids, Drugs And Brain Injuries


Wrestlers also seem to fall victim, in a disproportionate amount, to dying at a young age. Quite often wrestlers get involved with steroids in order to achieve the big hulking look that is popular. Also frequently wrestlers sustain injury in the ring, at which point they turn to prescriptions medications. All too often they become addicted to these medications and end up turning to other harder street drugs. Many wrestlers have also succumbed to addiction and overdose. And lastly, it has recently been discovered that wrestlers often suffer from CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, the same ailment from which many professional football players suffer. CTE is a progressive and degenerative disease of the brain that is caused by repeated brain trauma. Often those afflicted suffer from a host of issues such as memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, progressive dementia, and even contemplate or attempt suicide.