Old People Are Trying Their Best And Struggling With Technology, But We’re Here To Help

When it comes to technology, most of us had to help our parents out. They turn to us because we’ve known how computers work since we were kids. However, some old folks are risking it all for themselves. It’s so bad that people couldn’t resist sharing some moments that were downright cute of the older generation struggling with technology. There’s even one of a grandpa who thought he was upgrading his cell phone. While our parents and grandparents know more than the younger generation, we’re practically heroes when it comes to technology.

Gonna Need A Monitor For That

Need A Monitor For That.jpg

Hey, don’t tease him too much. He’s in the right place at the right time, although he could make one improvement. It’s cute he’s got the MacBook from his grandkids, but he’s going to need a bigger monitor. Once he does that, he’ll fit right in at Starbucks.