Meet The Worst ‘Everyday’ People Who Exist In Your Life Right Now

Not everybody is nice these days.

We’ve come across people who are passive aggressive and mean in general. Those types of people show what it means to be a jerk. Their moral compass is thrown out the window, but maybe they should focus on being a decent human being. Seriously though, some of these people here are shameful for the actions they performed. From bringing more than 10 items to the express aisle to eating the middle piece of a pie, people need to learn to think of others first.

What A Waste

What Waste That Is.jpg

Talk about people who are so dang lazy. All they needed to do was flip the bin over, but they don’t want to end up putting the trash in it themselves. That’s just a reminder that people certainly don’t care about the environment. They should be sent to the polar ice caps as punishment.