Madlads Who Are Out Here Proving They’re Wilder Than The Rest Of Us

Having too much power can get out of hand.

Being that average person in life won’t get you far. Then, out of nowhere, we have this special ability that’s too powerful beyond our wildest dreams. It’s something we can’t contain, but we have to unleash it. Like a big ball of fire, people have the power to tell you where to not take a number one along with proving that anything can get stuck in your braces. No matter what, these people are too good to have a laugh at.

Legos Aren’t Just For Making Buildings

Legos Aren't Just For Making Buildings.jpg

It’s pretty amazing how many people can’t seem to type without looking at their hands. Considering how almost everything we do is on computers now, this seems like an obvious skill we all would have mastered. This guy is operating on expert mode by removing his arrow keys and counting on a lifetime of practice to get him through the day.