Knockoffs That Sound More Legit Than The Original Product

It’s a hard knock life.

Whenever somebody buys a knockoff, you have to hope they didn’t realize it was a mistake. On the other hand, it would be funny to see it happen. Buying something of a lesser value is a reminder that you should have the buyer beware thought before you actually make the purchase. It’s happened to lots of people, including myself. Some people are foolish enough to buy knockoff sports jerseys, then there are people who buy discount Oreos. Either way, let these people inspire you to buy the real product instead of being cheap.

Say Hello To Panburger Partner

Panburger Helper.jpg

To be perfectly honest, never have I ever tried Hamburger Helper. But Panburger Partner should inspire people to buy the real thing. That’s including the ones who’ve never had the real helper meal themselves. This probably would end up tasting like paste too.