Kids Who Know How To Make Us Really Uncomfortable

Kids are weird. Everyone has to go through that phase, but kids are still weird. Often times they’re too honest, like when they tell grandma her perfume smells like sewage, or when they tell their teacher they look awfully fat in that shirt.

With that being said, they’re hilarious. Not because they all want to be comedians, but because they’re innocence and ignorance lends for some amazing moments. This list is a hilarious compilation of some of the best moments when kids made you uncomfortable.

They Dress Up

Fart Fart.jpg

When you’re going to a wedding and your kid ONLY wants to dress as a fart, it’s uncomfortable. The tux will not cut it, he wants to dress as a fart no matter how much shame and embarrassment it brings to the family. This is the same kid that will walk up to you and ask for a piece of gum. No thanks.