Hilarious Gifts That Will Make You Re-Think How You Do Christmas Next Year

The holiday season is one of joy, laughter, alcohol tolerance, and more alcohol tolerance. Buying for your relatives and friends is a daunting task that most of us will fail miserably at our entire life. Gift cards and money can only take us so far.

The great thing is that there are people who have this natural gift of being creative and witty enough to come up with gifts for everyone. These are the people you need in your life because they’re few and far between. This list examines some of the best gifts that you wish you got, but are also very happy you didn’t. I know it evokes weird feelings but you’ll get used to it. Enjoy.

This Is A Charged Up Gift

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This is a serious question — WHY are batteries never included in gifts that rely on batteries to function? We need to stop looking into 2016 election collusion and start looking into collusion between battery companies and the toys that need them. We need to be picketing outside of battery manufacturing plants, like, yesterday.