Finally, Doritos Is Solving The Biggest Problem Women Face Eating Chips, And We’re Speechless

The idea of having products specifically for women has been an age-old debate as to the appropriateness. There are specific products that need to be geared towards women, like many hygienic products. But, sometimes it's just absolutely unnecessary.

PepsiCo, who own Doritos, has sparked some serious controversy when it was mentioned that they would be creating a chip line that is specific for women. Let's dive in.

So Who Started The Rumors?

The rumor was originally started by PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi who was on Freakonomics Radio and spewed out some controversial comments. She said that young men often, "lick their fingers with glee when they get to the bottom of the bag," which is something women would love to be able to do. She said that women don't get to enjoy chips as much because they're afraid of making a crunching sound while eating the chips.


The Crunch Stops Here


Nooyi's solution was to make a chip that was less crunchy and could allow women to eat chips without having to worry about being lady-like. She said that ladies like flavor too, but they can't get as much with their chips because it sticks to their fingers. The objective would be to have less sticky flavoring and a bag size that would be able to fit into their purse more seamlessly.


Is It Even A Problem?


But the real question here is regarding the actual extent of the problem. Is this a problem that needs to be fixed/would be embraced by the female community? Do many girls feel marginalized by the crunch of a chip? By the looks of the reactions, I'm thinking not.


Celebs Weighed In


This is very true. The crunch is a great indicator of the life of the chip. If there's a heavy crunch, that usually means that the chip is healthy and fresh, while if there's no crunch you wonder about the lifespan. Lady chips will be much harder to tell whether or not a chip is stale or not which is just blasphemy.


Have You Ever Been Mad At A Chip?


There are a lot of things that can cross your mind before falling asleep at night, but none of them usually involves a chip. That is unless you're craving them but are too lazy to get out of bed. Piya is madder at a tortilla chip than she is her ex who did her very dirty less than three months before.


Big Moves For Feminism


We can finally say good riddance to feminism because the lady chip has finally arrived. They may be looking for equal pay for equal work, or the glass ceiling to be broken, but they got one better — chips that don't crunch. There will be no reason for a women's march next year, Hallelujah.


Okay, There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel


Want to know the good news? Either PepsiCo is backtracking and just throwing their CEO under the bus, or Indra was just spitballing ideas that aren't actually coming. Either way, the company has denied that they are going to have lady chips and that people don't need to worry. Congrats ladies, you can still eat man chips.


But There's Been Bizarre Lady Products Before...


This hysteria over weird lady products does have roots from other previous attempts. BIC came out with these pens "for her" and they didn't really go over well with the public. Ellen Degeneres parodied the pens on her talk show saying "who knew we were using man pens this whole time." They've been discontinued, obviously.


The Perfect Lady Car


In Japan, Honda came out with the first car to ever be exclusively marketed to women. The Honda Fit She's comes in colors that are popular eyeshadow shades. It's also equipped with an air conditioning system that apparently improves the driver's skin quality. The steering wheel and interior were all stitched with pink embroidering.