Family Photos That Seem Destined To Be Hung Up Forever


For some odd reason, parents want to hang pictures of their kids, regardless of what their children want. The thought of seeing yourself in a frame hung up on a wall isn’t ideal, and good luck getting your parents to take it down. Naturally, the photos can look either good or bad, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So when you have an oval frame to fill, you’d better fill it. Either way, nobody likes when photos are taken, ever.

It’s Almost Like An Album Cover

It's Almost Like An Album Cover.jpg

I feel this needs to be included in the first chapter of any history book that covers the 80’s. You have mullets, Alf, Cabbage Patch Kids… there’s really nothing here that doesn’t scream “look how far we’ve come.” The most impressive thing out of all of this is that they were able to keep all the kids calm for this picture.