Evil Siblings We Could Probably Live Without
Living with brothers and sisters is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you have siblings who show you unconditional love and will sometimes bring you lukewarm chicken noodle soup when you’re sick.
On the other hand, you have a lifelong sentence of having little demons and trolls living in the same walls as you. Their main goal is to make life as miserable as possible and will stop at nothing to achieve it. These are those siblings.
If you’ve never seen evil face to face than you need to prepare yourself because you’re about to and it comes in the form of an older sister.

Any brother or sister who is willing to do this should be revoked of their sibling card. This is awful because that poor little girl is probably reluctantly waking up from her dream about riding little ponies in a pink pasture, and is about to come face to face with a demon. My thoughts are with this little girl.