Delicate Little Snowflakes Who Are Willing To Risk It For The Biscuit

Life is full of risks.

Whenever a risk comes across our paths, we have to face it head-on. If the situation goes well then you know you’re not taking any chances. If it goes bad, well, at least you tried. There are all kinds of people who aren’t about to risk it for the biscuit. Instead, they’ll go out of their way to stay safe, like wearing overprotective bubble wrap, because really, no one is taking any chances out here.

Mass Extinction Just Around In Corner

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It’s not worth the risk to life the bar. The mass extinction has already happened, so don’t expect much to happen from this model. I mean, it worked for Lost, so what’s the worst that could happen here? It’s not like the dinosaurs are going to make a triumphant comeback.