College Kids Who Saw A Solution, But Probably Won’t See A Diploma Anytime Soon

College is a time for innovation.

It’s true. That’s the time in your life when you finally reach your peak. At a young age, we tend to make a ton of mistakes, and we try to learn from them. That carries with us into college, and it doesn’t stop there. Sometimes, the more mistakes we make, the more creative we get with our ‘solutions’. Even though some college kids are brighter than others, there are kids out there who find the quickest solution for their busted taillight. Outside of that, whatever solution they come up with, let’s just hope they make it across the stage with a diploma in hand.

Stupidest Title Ever

Stupidest Title Ever.jpg

So what you’re saying is, we can’t use this toilet? Even if we need to do our morning routine every day? Come on man, that’s not right at all. Imagine the number of people who would be upset by this? It could be a harmless prank, but that’s stupidity at its finest right there.