20 Of The Absolute Worst People You Can Sit Near On An Airplane

Getting ready to board a flight can be mentally taxing when you realize how much could go wrong. I don’t even mean the fact you’re flying in a massive death machine however many thousands of feet above the ground. Mostly I’m talking about the other passengers on the plane.

These are the people who have no respect for the fact that you’re locked in a giant tube together with no place to escape. Flights are like being locked in a tiny room with 100 unpredictable maniacs sitting around you. These are the nightmare neighbors you NEVER want to sit near you on an airplane.

You’ll get a glimpse of the Mile High Club’s newest members who have no shame.

Pass The Puke Bucket


Get your dirty Frodo Baggins feet away from any armrest within five meters of other passengers. These feet look like they’ve seen some crazy things, and have some stories to tell. They haven’t seen shoes since 1997, and haven’t seen socks since the 80s. As you can see, they rely on each other for warmth and have a grim outlook on life, but nonetheless, they’re still excited to meet the Cancun sand.