Sony and Disney Finally Reach A Deal For Spider-Man

Spider-Man fans, it's time to celebrate! Sony and Disney have finally put their claws away and managed to get a deal that brings Spider-Man back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The new deal means there will be a third film starring Tom Holland as Peter Parker in the MCU. It's set for release in July 2021. The press release adds that Spider-Man will be allowed to appear in other Marvel movies under the new deal.

The news of Spidey's return to the MCU was confirmed by Marvel chief Kevin Feige.

"I am thrilled that Spidey's journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it," said Feige in a statement. "Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes."

The deal comes just a month after Sony and Disney broke of negotiations around Spider-Man. This would have meant that Peter Parker would have left the MCU with his last appreciate being in Spider-Man: Far From Home.