Take a Bite Out Of This: Behind the Scenes Facts About Jaws
Numerous Improvised Moments Were Included In The Final Cut

Photo Credit: Universal Studios
Like many other films, some of the most memorable quotes and scenes were never in the original script. They were made up on the spot by actors and then added into the movies. One of these particular moments was when Brody’s son Sean began mimicking his father’s movements at the table, and the two start making funny faces at each other.
This interaction actually happened between Roy Scheider and child actor Jay Mellow in between takes. Spielberg loved it and re-staged it to put it in the movie. Also, Brody’s iconic line “You’re going to need a bigger boat” was improvised and turned out to be one of the most classic lines of the film.
Ever wonder how they pulled off that horrifying attack in the opening scene?