Antiheroes In Movies That We Can’t Help But Love
The Dude – The Big Lebowski

In The Big Lebowski, the Dude’s position in society is made clear by numerous characters. It’s not unusual for him to be called something along the likes of a “bum” or “deadbeat,” and they’re not wrong. Really, all the Dude wants to do is bowl with his buddies, drink White Russians, and “enjoy the occasional acid flashback.” At his age, most people see this to be rather pathetic, but for the Dude, it’s the life. What makes this character so appealing is that number one he’s absolutely hilarious, and number two, he has no shame or regrets living the lifestyle that he wants to. Most people care too much about what other’s think or are afraid to stray away from from the status quo. But not the Dude, he’s completely content and will keep “takin’ ‘er easy for all of us sinners”.