Childhood TV And Movie Heroes That Were Terrible Role Models

Mouth From The Goonies Was Blatantly Racist


Photo Credits: Warner Bros.

While there are lots of questionable parts in The Goonies, one particular character sticks out like a sore thumb. Although Mouth provides comic relief to the film and is liked for his “bad boy” image, ultimately, he’s a bit of a bully. The interactions that Mouth has with the Latina housekeeper about drug smuggling or the sexual torture devices in the attic are nothing short of racist.

The way he giggles to himself as she begins to panic and fear for her life is sadistic. He also gets a kick out of fat-shaming his friend Chunk, making him do the Truffle Shuffle before he can come inside. Mouth continuously threatens him, saying he has pictures of his mom in the bath. He’s probably not the kind of influence that you would want around your kid.