Check Out How Your Favorite Musicians Stumbled Into Choosing Their Now-Iconic Names
Blink-182 Just Needed To Avoid A Lawsuit

Frank Micelotta Archive/Contributor/Getty Images
Blink-182 got their name the way a surprising amount of bands do: to avoid a lawsuit. The band recorded their first album under just the name Blink, but unfortunately for them, an Irish band had the same name and had released an album just months before them.
Blink was forced to change and added the “182” to the end. An urban legend says that the 182 stands for the number of times Al Pachino drops the f-bomb in Scarface but it has never been confirmed. By all accounts, the “182” is pretty meaningless.
KISS mega fans have brainstormed for years of what the letters mean. Continue reading to see if the word is even an acronym at all.