Check Out How Your Favorite Musicians Stumbled Into Choosing Their Now-Iconic Names
Jane’s Addiction Was Actually About Jane’s Addiction

Brian Rasic/Getty Images
In possibly the worst tribute ever, rock band Jane’s Addiction was actually named after a real person named Jane with a real drug addiction. The band’s founder Perry Farrell had a roommate named Jane Bainter. According to Farrell, when something went wrong in the house, the running joke was to blame it on Jane’s addiction.
The band also used her in for a song, “Jane Says.” The song describes Jane’s real-life problems, her heroin addiction, and abusive drug-dealing boyfriend. Jane even lent her handwriting to the band’s album artwork. For all that inspiration, the real Jane never even saw a dime.
This next techno duo had a pretty strange name before being inspired by one critic’s harsh review.