Check Out How Your Favorite Musicians Stumbled Into Choosing Their Now-Iconic Names
Jethro Tull Changed Their Name Each Week

Martin O’Neill/Redferns/Getty Images
One-of-a-kind blues-rock band, Jethro Tull, got their name because they couldn’t book a repeat show. The group was struggling to get invites back to a venue and began to think up a new name each week so that bookers wouldn’t know it was the band who played the weekend before.
They ended up hiring an agent to book their shows until one day that agent booked the band under the name Jethro Tull, after the 18th-century British farmer who invented the horse-drawn seed drill. Tull might not exactly be the face of rock music, but under that name the band booked their first repeat gig and saw it as a sign to keep the name.