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Woody Allen


Woody Allen is a screenwriter, director, and actor. He was on a rampage in the ’70s, with parts in more than four films. Then, his big break came in the late ’70s with Annie Hall. Not only did he star in the film, but he also co-wrote it and directed it.

He’d started out with slapstick comedies, after sending in short jokes for years and eventually being asked to join the NBC Writer’s Development Program, and he was recognized by Comedy Central as one of the “Greatest Stand-up Comedians.” When he appeared on stage, New York Times’ Arthur Gelb called him “Chaplinesque” and “refreshing.” Diane Keaton once described him thus: “He just has a mind like nobody else. He’s bold. He’s got a lot of strength, a lot of courage in terms of his work. And that is what it takes to do something really unique. Along with a genius imagination.”